Thursday, February 24, 2005

Hello again

Why would I want to end my own life when so many other people deserve to die first?

Ignorance is bliss, but so is death.

If there were aliens, why would they bother with this planet, we've fucked it up too much for it to be any use.

With one hand a man has the power to create or destroy. This man is George W Bush, and he should not have been trusted with looking after his own life, let alone millions of others.

If killing is a sin, why is god on the side of the Americans?

Would god(assuming he existed)rather people spent millions(billions?)of £and$ and so on, on worshipping him, or on helping the needy in poor countries?

If god forgives all, what is the point in being good, you're going to heaven anyway.

Why is it that people in horribl pain cannot take their own lives, yet Bush and Blair can order that anyone in their way in Iraq must be killed? Who has the right to choose their destiny?

And calm...

Todays music-Surferosa-neon commando
Todays t-shirt-Beware! The One Legged Chicken Are Plotting Our Demise
Todays quote-All you need to know for sure is that if life throws you a space on the dance-floor,however small,jump on that fucker with both feet and boogie like your life depends on it.
-Ginger-the wildhearts/solo/silver ginger 5/clam abuse/super$hit 666/brides of destruction


Blogger Laura said...

blah. Bush is such an ass. and all those guys are total hypocrites. please don't think all americans are like that. or that god has sided with us all. he certainly isn't who *I* look up to. none of it makes any sense. why it's ok for them to kill whoever they want, but it's a sin to kill, and yet they say it's justified etc. i hate Bush.

by the way, happy 144 days early birthday! *<:) (he's wearing a party hat, if you can't tell. heh)

4:45 pm  
Blogger The Prisoner said...


thats some rant you did there dan!

10:06 am  
Blogger Motormouth said...

Didn't mean that all A mericans are like that, sorry if it sounded like I did, but thats the impression that I seem to get from most Americans. I know that those are not a representation of everyone, but I have never been to America, so couldn't really comment too much. It always seems to be that the biggest idiots in a country always represent it internationally, making that country look bad, when most people in the country are nothing like them. It is all totally fucked up!

5:28 am  

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