Monday, July 04, 2005

The Earth is a shoe, and we are shit(Part1:Cunt)

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I have been a bit lazy with posting recently, prefering to read other blogs instead, but I think I'm about ready to start again with a rant...

For a long time I have wondered what some people want out of life. Is their sole purpose something amazing, something ambitious, Or, as I increasingly suspect, something selfish and destructive. I live in a place that can only be described as 'I want to spend as little time here as possible'. Sure there are some good places and some good people here, but not nearly as many as there should be, i.e, there should be more good people than bad people, and ideally a great deal more. This is worrying. People are becoming, in general, more stupid, ignorant, and more selfish. Put simply, they don't care about anything worth caring about. I care about a lot of thing worth caring about. First among these is myself. I say this because people forget that it is important to care about yourself, otherwise your life is going to be a bit miserable really. You need to like yourself, because why shouldn't you? If there is something you don't like about yourself, change it. You are important, and you should know that. I like myself, and I always make decisions that reflect this, for example I think before doing something, is this right, do I really want to do this, and will I still like and respect myself afterwards? Now this may well come across as very selfish, but it is important. You need to be like it because if you don't care enough about yourself it could affect others. If you don't like yourself, then what are doing to make you not like yourself, and is it affecting others? The most important thing about this is that you cannot only like yourself and care about yourself. You have to care about a lot of things, in fact anything that is worth caring about. Take live8 as an example. You could care about all sorts of things, but there are still millions of people on the other side of the world dying for reasons that can simply be classed as stupid(in terms of our society). People are dying over there because of things we take for granted over here, don't give a second thought to. The rising obesity levels are a real problem, especially when, while you are stuffing yourself like a pig for the roast, there are people dying because they don't even have crumbs. But it's not our problem right? Wrong, because you need to like yourself, and can you do that if you know you did nothing about millions of people dying from preventable causes? I couldn't. If everyone thought like this then the world would be a much better place, because it is easy to be a selfish cunt who cares for nothing except booze, sex, money and himself. It isn't that difficult to be nice, but it is very difficult to be eveything you could be. You could do all you can for charity, make other people happy by giving them presents and time, help the enviroment by recycling and through not polluting. It is hard to do all this, but at the end of the day you would be able to sit back and think, what a great person I am, and how many people can say that? Not enough.

But thats not all I can think of to write, oh not by a long way. I have also been thinking about more complex things, like the deeper workings of the human mind. If someone is a cunt(I have started using this word a lot simply because nobody is going to drop dead if I swear, and also because language is a form of expression, and to accurately express just how nasty some people are, you need a strong word. If only there would come a day when there was no-one I could use such a word to describe, but alas, that day is not getting any nearer.) then why are they a cunt? Are they born like that? Maybe, but there must obviously be many intervening factors in how they got to where they are(the gutter of humanity) and why they insist upon staying there(and also how why they are not dealt with, in fact they are usually the most sucessfull people in life). We are supposed to be a superior race, but that is not the case, except for the minority that have risen above the petty squabbles, killing, greed and corruption that consume most people. We are shit, basically, that should be cleaned from off the shoe that is the Earth. We cannot be removed easily hower, having spread ourselves deep into the crevices of the Earth(shoe), and we are of course the particularly smelly type of shit, that, even once removed, leaves its stench lingering behind, as a reminder of its presence. We have also made the foot that wears the shoe smelly as well, through the running it has to do to try and get us off, and the clouds of stench linger in the atmosphere(...of the shoe).
That was one way of putting it anyway. But whatever, my rambling is down to life being shit(although not the same shit that was on the shoe, but a different kind, one that doesn't stink so bad, but there is more of it, and it comes along more often). Not all of it is shit, but there is a lot. Now I know I spent a portion of this ramble talking about Africa, and they do have it a hell of a lot worse than us(hell being the operative word), but that doesn't mean the problems we have should be discounted. I cannot list all that I would like to now, mainly due to time(I am in the library making this up as I type and with a time limit of 50 minutes per session that I need to use to do other things as well) but also to do with making this post too long. I will continue this at a not so later have been warned...


Blogger LiVEwiRe said...

You know, I agree with what you say about the basic interactions between ourselves and others and ultimately how well we get along with our own silly little selves. And you do have to like yourself if you want anyone else to. Hey... is that why no one likes me?

6:22 pm  
Blogger Motormouth said...

Livewire-Well I like you(even though sometimes it takes me so long to read your posts I don't have time to post anything myself!)

Leash-Glad I could be of some use. I'll visit your myspace when I can, but I can't get on it at the moment for some reason.

9:26 am  

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