This morning I was thinking. This happens a lot. Usually it is about something or other being shit. Usually either life, the world or the music industry. Today it was the music industries turn. Now I will admit to being extremely opinionated, and going on quite a lot sometimes, I do generally have my reasons and am able to back them up with a decent argument. In the 'music' industry today, there are a lot of shitheads. They are generally, well everyone. Ok, not everyone, but a lot of them. The people which run the big music companies for example, they don't care one bit about music, just about making as much money as they can. They have dollars in their eyes and black in their heart. Intent on raping the industry for every penny it has, these soulless 'vampires' will stop at nothing to get what they want. They will quite happily burn their morals on the fires of the greed that burn within them, without any hesitation they spew forth a sickening production line of pure fucking shite. Soulless musical crap that is manufactured for one purpose, and one purpose only. To make money. Lots and lots of money. Like mindless zombies muttering 'bland shite instead of 'brains' the record buying masses flock like sheep towards the shops, buying up this product, not knowing, or not caring how it was made, they sacrifice the good music around it and home straight in on whatever product is ' the latest thing(tm)'. The persuading factor is not quality but the quantity of cash which has been thrown at the shit pumping out from the filth-pits, pouring like pus onto the masses, who waddle in it, ecstatic with it, loving it. It doesn't help that wherever you go, there are idiots. Chavs being the most ferial example. Like a plague of epic proportions they have swept across the landscape, instantly lowering buy half the i.q of those unfortunate or stupid enough to be sucked into their ranks. Like the exact opposite of the Nazis, the so called 'master' race, they are the disaster race, but there are no armies marching against them, all those not infected can't or won't do anything about it. To me, the threat of 'the chavs' is far worse than any terror war. I would rather be dead than be consumed by mediocrity and stupidity, bacause no matter how much of a joy being alive can be, to me that is not living. It is, at best, exiting and at worse total death. Death of creativity and individuality. These are the type of people that buy into this type of music, and will slag off anything that they don't like, which is anything not popular, and has any individuality. People can say what they like about each to their own, but, to be honest, that is complete and utter bullshit. With a cherry on top. Possibly a Burberry one. What the people that think this fail to realise is that anyone who does not like this shit has little or no choice about whether they want to listen to it or not. It will be playing everywhere anyway. We have no choice. Another thing they fail to realise is how much this music can damage the music we like. Music made by musicians who believe in what they do, and actually make good music. These musicians and bands are stifled because record companies do not like taking risks, so these bands are held back. To say this is unfair is an understatement, because the turds that make up most popular music do not care about what they do, and so do not deserve to be successful. The people who make great music and care for what they do deserve the success. These grinning/swearing/posing (delete as appropriate) pricks , who have record company executive cocks so far down their throats they are almost out the other end are worthy of nothing except to be locked in a dark room to spend an eternity listening to the shit that they dared to call music. But all is not lost. Bad as the situation is, there are a lot of great bands fighting back, and emerging from the shadows into the light. Who knows, maybe they will pick up their axes and chop of those record exec cocks, and liberate us from this tirade of shit. Heres hopin'.